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Fix or Sanitize HTML

Yes: I've found the silver bullet for those of you who are seeking for a function that clean html code or sanitize it, specially if it comes from a cut and paste operation from word.

To the point. This snippet:

select dirty, strip_html(dirty) from dual; 

Removes all the HTML tags from the html code. But this one:

select dirty, strip_html(dirty,2) from dual; 

Wipes out all the garbage who is in the html code, leaving it –more or less– “clean”. And yes, I am using regular expresions to perform the fixing, so it is easy to move it to java or other programming languages. And without more preamble, here is the code:

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION strip_html(dirty IN clob,
                                      to_cvs IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0)
  RETURN clob IS OUT clob ;
  TYPE arr_string IS varray (200) OF VARCHAR2(64); 
  entities_search_for arr_string; 
  entities_replace arr_string;
  cont NUMBER; 
-- to accelerate the issue
   RETURN dirty; 
END IF; -- isnull(dirty)
IF LENGTH( dirty ) = 0 THEN 
   RETURN dirty; 
END IF; -- length(dirty) 
entities_search_for := arr_string(
' ',
entities_replace := arr_string(
' ',
  OUT := dirty; 
  -- replace what is enclosed between <xml> and </xml>
  -- *? -> lazy star (catches the minimum possible)
  OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '<xml>.*?</xml>', '', 1, 0, 'ni' );
  -- clean what it is inside the style tags  
  OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '<style>.*?</style>', '', 1, 0, 'ni' );
  IF to_cvs = 2 THEN
     -- sanitize (not clean) the html
     -- clean the tag <?xml:whatever>
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '<\?xml:.*?>', '', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean the tags <img whatever>
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '<img.*?>', '', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean comments
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<!--.*?-->','', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean meta
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<meta.*?>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean link
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<link.*?>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean DIV
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'</?div.*?>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean SPAN
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'</?span.*?>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean "class inside tags"
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'(<.*?)class="?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"?(.*?>)', '\1\2', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean "style" inside the following tags: i b p
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'(<[ibp] .*?)style=".*?"(.*?>)', '\1\2', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean namespaces <o:p> </o:p>
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '(<)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*:(.*?>)', '\1\2', 1, 0, 'ni');
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '(</)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*:(.*?>)', '\1\2', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- clean empty opening and closing tags: it has to be 
     -- passed twice or three times to clean things like this: 
     -- <strong><u></u></strong>
     -- TWEAK: <p></p> must be replaced by <br/>
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<p></p>','<br/>', 1, 0, 'ni');
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)></\1>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
     -- TWEAK: <p></p> must be replaced by <br/>
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<p></p>','<br/>', 1, 0, 'ni');
     OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)></\1>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
    -- clean html
    -- replace all the stuff that is similar to a carriage return
    OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '</p[^>]*>',CHR(10)||CHR(13));
    OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '</br[^>]*>',CHR(10)||CHR(13));
    OUT := regexp_replace(OUT, '</tr[^>]*>',CHR(10)||CHR(13));
    -- replace all the remaining html stuff 
    OUT := regexp_replace(OUT,'<[^>]*>','', 1, 0, 'ni');
    -- replace all the entities
    FOR cont IN 1..119 LOOP 
      OUT := REPLACE( OUT, entities_search_for(cont), entities_replace(cont) );
    END LOOP; 
    -- cleaning for export to cvs
    IF to_cvs = 1 THEN 
       OUT := REPLACE( OUT, CHR(10), '' ); 
       OUT := REPLACE( OUT, CHR(13), '' ); 
  	   OUT := REPLACE( OUT, CHR(9), '' ); 
       OUT := REPLACE( OUT, ';', ',' ); 
       OUT := REPLACE( OUT, '"', '''' ); 
    END IF; 
  END IF; 
END strip_html;
oracle/fixhtml.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/05 17:05 by rlunaro