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Setting it up

A good page about setup of the raspberry, despite it talks about setting a raspberry for running java, it worths reading:

How to send a whatsapp from a raspberry pi:

Emuladores de consolas:

Saving the image

dd bs=4M if=FILE-OF-IMAGE.img of=/dev...

Usually, /dev… corresponds –in Linux– with /dev/mmcblk0 or /dev/sdd, depending on the configuration of your computer.

Setting an static IP

My plan is to use this Raspberry as a backup server (yes, I know that there is no much space in it, but the place I want to backup hasn't many space either).

To configure an static IP, edit the file /etc/networking/interfaces and set the following values:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

It's a good idea to comment out the previous data, just in case.

Setting up ssh

Use the tool raspi-config.

Use the full space of the sd card

Use the tool raspi-config.

Remap the keyboard

Use the tool raspi-config

Create another user, not the well known "pi"

I prefer to create a regular user instead of the regular “pi” user. To do so:

# addgroup USERNAME
# adduser --ingroup USERNAME --home /home/USERNAME  USERNAME

Add this user to the "sudo" group

# adduser USERNAME sudo 

Test that you can log on as this user and run things as superuser. Then, you can delete the pi user.

Delete the "pi" user

Delete the pi user after testing the other username is working and can run things as superuser.

deluser --remove-home pi
delgroup pi

Delete the sudoers information of "pi" user

It is not necessarily, because it's already deleted, but imagine that someone manages to create again the pi user: it will have automatic sudo permissions for everything!!!

To prevent that, issue the sudo visudo command and remove this line of the sudoers file:


Think about backup

Yes: Backup.

This is the second time I run through this guide, because I've lost my card. Yes, memory cards broke. I suppose that too many writings can exhaust the capacity, and mine after some months running, broke. So it isn't a bad idea to think if you really need to back up some files.

Make an upgrade of your distribution

Do an update of the packages of your distribution.

# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Remove the graphical desktop

In my case, I rather prefer to remove the graphical desktop, because I am not going to use it, and this will make more room in the card.

apt-get remove --auto-remove --purge libx11-.*

According to:

Or, in case you want to use the graphical desktop, you can access remotely with this guide:

Change the umask

Edit the file /etc/login.defs in order to change the default umask.

Install a mail program

# apt-get install bsd-mailx

Configure mail server

I've removed exim and installed postfix because I know it better.

apt-get install postfix

And I make the necessary configurations to send and receive email from the raspberry. I've selected to use SMTP relaying of the emails because of the dynamic IP: it appeared in the Spamhaus' list and it was nearly impossible to send emails from there.

For instructions to configure the relaying:

Set Timezone

Don't forget to set the timezone.

If raspi-config doesn't work, try this:

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Taken from:

raspberrypi/setup.1399674247.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/02 21:02 (external edit)