Start a project from the ground in primefaces and eclipse
This page is a notebook about my findings with primefaces with eclipse. I want to start a project with this architecture:
- primefaces in the view tier
- spring and hibernate in the business logic tier
After weeks of searching in internet, trying this thing and another, and going to and fro, I have reached the following conclusion: there is an example called “moviecollection” in the primefaces website. It is an application built with the following elements:
- primefaces (of course!!!)
- facelets (instead of JSP for using Java Server Faces, it gives more power to the application)
- spring
- hibernate
So, why I should care about this, if somebody have show me the path???
Thanks to the primefaces guys, you are the best!!!!
java/pruebasprimefaces.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/02 21:02 by