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Making a Digital Anemometer with Raspberry PI Zero
I want to make a digital anemometer with raspberry pi zero. The idea is to left the device in the wild and this device must send back to me reads of wind velocity and direction remotely vía cell modem.
In other words, the device must have:
- Solar panels and a battery: the device must be self-powered
- Some kind of power management: to stabilize the power of the battery and adapt it to the raspi and to the modem
- A hsdpa modem: to provide internet connectivity
- Some SBC: raspberry pi zero is a great candidate
Making some calculations
I need to guess how much power the raspberry pi plus the modem will consume.
In other words, a device that:
- Is solar powered: the idea is to left this device in the open and send
Quiero ver si es viable construir una estación meteorológica que cuente con estos requisitos:
- medias de presión, humedad, temperatura y dirección y velocidad del viento
- lo más económica posible
- solar-powered, que se pueda poner autónomamente en el campo
- que transmita los datos a través de internet
Para ello he pensado utilizar los siguientes elementos:
- Celula solar (posiblemente esta sería adecuada) –> 28 euros
- Una bateria lipo de 8000 mah aquí hay una de 1100, usaríamos 6 para comenzar, –> 20 euros
- Kit weather station, 138$
Total: más de 200 euros
chip/weatherstation.1520626087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/02 21:02 (external edit)