A concurrent version of a queue

This queue class is concurrent: it allows many threads to write in the queue or to read from the queue. If you are interested, I made a highly paralell program to test it.

package com.copytables.util;
public class ConcurrentQueue<T>
    private class ElementHolder<Q>
        public Q data; 
        public ElementHolder<Q> next;
        public ElementHolder()
            this.data = null;
            this.next = null;
       public ElementHolder( Q data )
            this.data = data;
            this.next = null;
        public ElementHolder( Q data, ElementHolder<Q> next )
            this.data = data;
            this.next = next;
    ElementHolder<T> base;
    ElementHolder<T> last;
    private int MAX_SIZE;
    private int numElements;
    // insertPosition points to the FIRST EMPTY
    // position
    // retrievePosition points to the LAST NOT EMPTY 
    // position 
    public ConcurrentQueue()
        base = null;
        last = base;
        numElements = 0;
        MAX_SIZE = 10000;
    public ConcurrentQueue( int bufferSize )
        base = null;
        last = base;
        numElements = 0;
        MAX_SIZE = 10000;        
    public synchronized void add( T elem )
        // we wait until it's satisfied the condition 
        // that insertPosition < retrievePosition
        // (that there is margin to insert at least
        // one element)
        // (see:
        // http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/guardmeth.html
        // for details abaout this idiom)
        while( !hasFree() )
            }catch( InterruptedException e )
        if( base == null && last == null )
            base = new ElementHolder<T>( elem ); 
            last = base;
            last.next = new ElementHolder<T>( elem );
            last = last.next;
    } // add
    // retrieve an element of the queue
    public synchronized T next( )
        T out; 
        while( !hasNext() )
            }catch( InterruptedException e )
                // do nothing; is for end the wait() operation
        } // while
        // base != null 
        out = base.data; 
        if( base == last )
            last = last.next;
        base = base.next; 
        return out;
    } // next 
     * return true when there is a next element in 
     * the queue, if there are no elements it waits
     * @return
    public synchronized boolean waitForNext( int milliseconds )
        if( !hasNext() )
                wait( milliseconds );
            }catch( InterruptedException e )
                // do nothing; is for end the wait() operation
        } // !hasNext
        return hasNext();
     * return true when there is a next element in 
     * the queue, if there are no elements it waits
     * forever
     * @return
    public synchronized boolean waitForNext( )
        if( !hasNext() )
                wait( );
            }catch( InterruptedException e )
                // do nothing; is for end the wait() operation
        } // !hasNext
        return hasNext();
    public synchronized boolean hasNext()
        return base != null;
    } // hasNext
    public synchronized boolean hasFree()
        return numElements < MAX_SIZE; 