====== Keeping your temporary documents organized ====== I do a lot of temporary documents: just elaborate them to send them by email, or analyze them (log files), extract conclusions (drop them in a word document) and therefore send them back by email. These things creates a lot of files that only need to be kept some days. To save them, I developed the following method: I have a temp dir --let's say ''c:\temp''-- and inside I create a directory with the name of the date ''01'', ''02'', etc. to save temporary work in a manner more or less organized. The problem arises when downloading files from internet or uploading files in my email client: I have always to change the location of the files: picking ''c:\temp\02'' instead of ''c:\temp\01'' and so one. To solve this, I've created a ''tmp'' program. This program: * check for existence of the dir ''c:\temp\now'', and if it is not found, creates it * if exists, check if it is older (date saved different from today's date) * if it is, it will be moved to the proper day (if it was created on 12/01, it will be moved to the ''1'' directory despite we are in 12/07) ===== Source code of batch file ===== rem @echo off set temp=c:\temp set destdir=c:\temp\now set token=c:\temp\now\.token if exist %token% goto file_exists_move_dir :create_dir_save_token rem if dir exist, skip creation and save date if exist %destdir% goto skip_dir_creation mkdir %destdir% date /t > %token% :skip_dir_creation goto end :file_exists_move_dir rem try to read content of temp\now\.token for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%i in (%token%) do set saved_day=%%i rem read current day for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set cur_day=%%a if %cur_day% == %saved_day% goto skip_renaming rem move directory %destdir% to %saved_day% rename %destdir% %saved_day% :skip_renaming goto create_dir_save_token :end rem hemos acabao, abrir explorador en %destdir% start "Explorer" "%windir%\explorer.exe" %destdir%